Sweetest Taboo
Welcome to the Sweetest Taboo, a podcast where we unravel the cultural evolution of pleasure and desire. Yes, we are a podcast about S.E.X. but we are far from being a how-to guide; instead, we dive into biweekly topics with rigorous curiosity, connecting them to sex. In each episode we strive to explore the threads that shape today's attitudes towards sex. Our goal is to become an educational movement for understanding sexuality in a contemporary context.
Sweetest Taboo
Sex and... Capitalism II
In this episode of Sweetest Taboo, Yes and Charlott continue to explore the deep entanglement of capitalism and sexuality. Yes delves into the world of pornography, examining how the need for distance and mystique is essential to cultivating desire, while the current era of transparency strips away the theatrics that once shaped love and pleasure. Charlott, on the other hand, discusses how rampant consumerism, neoliberalism, and anti-sex Puritanism have distorted human connections under capitalism. As sex becomes just another task in the endless cycle of labor, the notion of sexual labor expands to include anyone who views sex as work. Together, they explore how sexual experiences are often framed through this lens of labor, challenging conventional ideas of desire and intimacy.
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